TTIMES WORLD: Today's News Report

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Washington, DC, USA


How women are locked out
From Nigeria's construction industry


The construction industry is widely considered to be one of the world's largest industrial employers of labour, and is linked to all other sectors of countries' economies. It presents a path to empower women economically but it tends to be dominated by men.

In spite of past initiatives in many parts of the world to increase their participation in the construction industry at all levels, women remain a minority. This is not only an issue of equitable gender representation but one of meeting the industry's needs. Researchers have identified skills shortages as a problem in construction. Attracting more women to careers in the industry could help bridge these gaps.

In Nigeria, women make up only 16.3% of the construction profession. Research on this is scarce but one 2006 study of the informal housing delivery sector found that women's participation was extremely low. This was presumed to be due to certain cultural ethics and values in Nigeria.

In our study, we investigated the current level of women's participation, challenges faced by professional women and the factors that influence them in the course of developing careers in construction. We found that gender discrimination and dominance of male culture were among the top constraints. The top strategy suggested for changing this was to make young women aware of opportunities that exist for them in the industry.

Barriers to participation

We conducted a survey among women and their employers in construction companies in Nigeria's capital city, Abuja. We administered questionnaires to 93 women construction professionals and 52 employers (managers). 66.7% of the employers were men and 33.3% were women.

The women professionals who responded told us that the top reason for low participation of women in construction was that women preferred other kinds of jobs.  

The managers who responded ranked the dominance of male culture and the attitudes, perceptions and behaviours of the society as the main barriers to women joining the sector. Inflexible and harsh working conditions were third. Limited influence of women in construction was fourth. The low level of women's self confidence at the career level when compared to men was ranked fifth, along with unequal job opportunities. Those were the most significant variables. Unlike the women professionals, the employers and managers did not consider lack of mentoring as important.


Our analysis shows that better representation of women, extending the influence of women and making them aware of the opportunities that exist could be useful strategies to keep women participating in construction. More women would be encouraged to go into the construction industry if they had models to look up to. So regardless of what few opportunities exist for women at the moment, they should be made aware of the potential. This would help younger women to see construction as a viable career path.

Another way to encourage women is to tackle the issues from the root. A way to do this is to create scholarship opportunities, especially for secondary school and university students, to pursue degrees in the built environment.

Awareness and encouragement has to start with schools. We also recommend career advancement activities like training and mentoring to retain women professionals.

Richard Jimoh - Minna

China's Negative Projection of US
To Secure More Political Legitimacy at Home in China


To watch the news broadcast inside China is to see the United States in chaos: police brutality against African Americans, the January 6th storming of the US Capitol, and people freezing to death during the Texas power shortages. When Chinese state councilor Yang Jiechi berated the United States, mentioning the Black Lives Matter movement as evidence of its human-rights abuses in a recent meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Anchorage, he was celebrated by the Chinese media for highlighting the hypocrisy of the American government. Anger at multinationals pledging to no longer source cotton from Xinjiang, in response to China’s treatment of the Uighur minority in the region, has led to an angry backlash, with Chinese consumers burning Nike shoes and denouncing Swedish clothing retailer H&M.

The onslaught of negative news about the United States is part of an effort to make the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) look capable in contrast to a floundering US administration, thereby convincing the Chinese people that they should be pleased with their current leadership. This is important, as China has ever fewer supporters abroad while US President Joe Biden works to strengthen alliances in Europe and Asia (though Beijing has announced its intention to boost ties with its old allies Russia and North Korea). A recent survey by Gallup revealed that American perceptions of China are at an all-time low, worse even than after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989. The Chinese people have typically viewed other nations and particularly the United States showing respect for China as a source of legitimacy for the party and a demonstration of its growing global heft.

Serious challenges to China’s future economic growth make it doubly important to bolster popular support for the leadership. China’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.5 percent in the final quarter of last year—faster than almost any country—and policymakers expect to easily meet their target of over 6 percent growth for this year. But the impressive numbers mask problems. In order to keep their economies humming during the pandemic, China’s local governments built up a potentially destabilizing $2.3 trillion of hidden debt in 2020, according to a Bloomberg report citing a Chinese government-affiliated think tank.

Income inequality in China has gotten worse thanks to a lopsided recovery from the COVID-19 crisis that has mainly benefitted the wealthy and jeopardized the household consumption of the less well-off. Last year, China’s richest 20 percent had an average disposable income of over 80,000 yuan ($12,000), 10.2 times that of the poorest one-fifth. That surpassed the United States, where the multiple was about 8.4, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. As one study put it, “the pandemic has exacerbated [China’s] preexisting inequalities.”

The North Korea Nuclear Threat and US Missile Defense
Where Does This Go From Here

Matthew Kroenig / @kroenig

In order to effectively address the growing tensions posed by North Korean nuclear capabilities, Washington needs a comprehensive strategy that will include a range of efforts, including, importantly, strengthened homeland missile defenses.

Last week, US President Donald J. Trump, referring to the North Korean missile threat, claimed that “we have missiles that can knock out a missile in the air 97 percent of the time, and if you send two of them, it’s going to get knocked out.” This comment led to a flurry of criticism of the president’s statement and of US missile defense policy in general. However, the critics, who point to technical problems and high costs and oppose improved missile defenses, miss the mark.

Laser Technology
Revolution in Eye Surgery

Lasik Eye Surgery A Complete Guide
By: Vance Thompson, MD

LASIK & Laser Eye Surgery:
A Complete Consumer Guide

Refractive surgery is the term used to describe surgical procedures that correct common vision problems (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia) to reduce your dependence on prescription eyeglasses and/or contact lenses.

Currently, a laser procedure called LASIK (LAY-sik) is the most popular refractive surgery performed in the United States. But there are other types of refractive surgery — including other laser procedures and intraocular lens procedures — that might be an even better choice for you, depending on your needs.

The articles below will help you learn more about your surgical options so you can better discuss them with your eye doctor if you are interested in elective vision correction surgery.

Subjects of More Complete Guide:
LASIK Criteria for Success: How to know if LASIK is right for you.
How to Choose a LASIK Surgeon: Credentials to look for, questions to ask.
Which Laser Is Best? Read a review of all current LASIK lasers.
LASIK Eye Surgery Cost: See the latest prices for LASIK in the U.S.
How to Compare Laser Eye Surgery Prices: with 8 questions to ask your surgeon.
LASIK Financing: Learn how you can afford LASIK surgery.
LASIK Eye Surgery Results: Are you likely to see 20/20 after LASIK?
LASIK Surgery Risks and Complications — and how to avoid them.
Dry Eyes and LASIK: You may still be a candidate.
LASIK Enhancement: Do you need an additional surgery? Will you in the future?
Contact Lenses After LASIK: Why some people need them.

Contact Editor at TTimesworld for more Guide to selecting the best facility and more answers:

Victoria Becham - Eyes on the Mark
Setting Target Goals

Victoria Becham To Star in More Movies
After Huge Success in Animated Box Office Hit

Victoria Becham's dream of making it onto the silver screen looks set to become a firm reality. after Starring in Madagascar 3. She is set to appear in the newest installment of a new box office.

The Madagascar which followed the main character, Alex the Lion (voiced by Ben Stiller) and pals (David Schwimmer, Chris Rock) as they travel through Europe in an attempt to make it home to their zoo in New York, has given the Becham an open door to her dreams. Beckham’s character has yet to be revealed but it’s expected that she’ll be able to bring plenty of her own personality to the role. Whats next for the keen eyed talent .....

Seven Most Beautiful
And Extreme Places on Earth

1. Antarctica (Credit:

Antarctica is on average the coldest, windiest, driest, and highest of the 7 continents. This desert continent is, however, home to millions of penguins of different species.

2. Victoria Falls that border Zambia and Zimbabwe is the largest waterfall in the world by total area. The falls transport an astonishing 1,088 cubic meters per second of water down an ~350-foot cliff.

3. Kauai, Hawaii owns the medal of the rainiest place on earth, allowing for a tropical paradise. Hike, swim, bike, and dive.

4. Bora Bora, French Polynesia (Credit: St. Regis Bora Bora)

Bora Bora is an island that once was a volcano, which has subsequently subsided and formed a barrier reef. The reef ecosystem allows for pristine clear blue water and reefs limit waves, providing a protected sanctuary.

5. Amazon River, Brazil (Credit:

The Amazon River is the artery for the largest rainforest in the world. It is the largest river in the world by discharge and one of the largest by length. The surrounding rainforest represents over half of the world's remaining rainforest.

6. Neuschwanstein, a nineteenth-century castle in southern Germany is the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle. This German retreat is visited regularly during summer months as a symbol of refuge and peace.

7. Bison of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the US and likely the world. Drive through the park and encounter an array of wildlife 10's of feet away from you.

Twelve Best Cities to Visit in Europe this Summer
See How They Rank

Twelve Best Cities to Visit in Europe this Summer
Longest Gain for Your Travel Buck

Twelve best cities to visit in Europe this summer. The new trends in Europe will surprise you. Get the best buck for your dime is the way to go, off course the major metropolises are charming, overlooked locales, Europe is brimming with cities everyone should visit. But where does a penny-pinching, adventure-seeking twenty something even begin when it comes to traveling Europe?

The big players — London, Paris, Amsterdam — are great. Those should be on everyone’s bucket list. For millennials, these 20 cities offer delicious street food, hip hostels, cozy cafes and many glimpses into new cultures.

And there’s a bonus — these beautiful cities are even worth visiting if you’re not exactly in your 20s anymore. List from top includes:

1. Riga, Latvia
2. Berlin, Germany
3. Copenhagen, Denmark
4. Stockholm, Sweden
5. Budapest, Hungary
6. Fira, Greece
7. Oslo, Norway
8. Lisbon, Portugal
9. Dublin, Ireland
10. Rotterdan, Netherland
11. Glasgow, UK
12. Florence, Italy

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